...I'm starting to wonder if we might have to soon - so much rain here, local flooding and so on. I don't mind a bit of rain normally, but this, this is crazy. Please stop. Soon.
Which brings me to these :D
There's a beautiful homewares shop here in Noosa that has these sets of gorgeous vintage Noosa River oars mounted on the wall (some painted white, some a la natural) and I had lusted after them for so long but knew I would have trouble justifying their purchase to husband, so I just coveted them in wishful longing silence .
Anyways, to cut a long story short, I was dropping some old clothes and books off to the Salvos a few months ago....and could hardly believe my eyes -
oars, beautiful, gorgeous vintage oars that the guy who helped me carry them out told me came from an old shed on the Noosa river that was being pulled down. They'd just come in that morning. And the grand price for these beauties - $15 - *gasp* - and that was for the set!
I could hardly get them in my car fast enough lol.
I was intending to paint them white (mainly because nearly everything downstairs here is white and a lot of oars I have seen have been painted white and they look stunning) and mount them on the wall, but still can't decide - they are old and original and I sort of want to do the right thing by them if you know what I mean and maybe painting them white would be taking something away from them.
Here they are -
I think they would have come from a boat like this one, a lovely old wooden Noosa River boat - there used to be loads of these along our river, but you are hardly ever see them anymore.
So, what to do, what to do.......